Carbone Pasquale Carmine

Rome, Italy · (+39) 327-0055770 · [email protected]

Software Engineer with a strong passion for the technology since I was a child.
I love coding and automation.


Software Architect

Tagel SRL

Dwelly is an intelligent cloud management system for the management of condominiums.
I'm collaborating with this startup, helping them to design and build the IT platform.
I started developing a PoC for the Web App, then I build the whole infrastructure that is now serving the App.
We used OVH as cloud provider and it's Managed Kubernetes Service to provision the infrastructure.
With Jenkins I made others developers indipendent to deploy changes on K8s.

December 2023 - Present

Senior Software Engineer

Poste Italiane SpA

Nuova Area Comunicazioni
Design and Development of the Nuova Area Comunicazioni backend architecture
The Nuova Area Comunicazioni is the Poste new notification platform to deliver messages to its customers.
The architecture is built on AWS cloud. Most of the operations are handled serverless using Lambda Functions, AWS SQS and SNS to decouple. Notifications are stored on AWS OpenSearch for searching. AWS S3 is used as persistant storage.
The backed APIs are exposed via Java Microservices (Spring) deployed on a RedHad OpenShift cluster running on AWS ECS.
To handle the backward compatibility with the old system, an SMTP server, build in GOLang, is deployed on AWS ECS forwarding the received emails to AWS S3. All the existsing users (~40M) and messages (~300 per user) are migrated via a Java Backend Application carefully developed to handle a huge load.

For the new DataMesh company platform I developed some PySpark Notebooks on Azure Databricks
The Notebooks are sheduled to run via DataFactory Azure service, collect data from an Azure EventHub then tranform in 3 step way (Bronze, Silver and Gold) and storing them in Azure Blob Storage.
In the last step, Gold, the data are well formatted to be processed for business analysis.

Assurance Consoles
My Javascript Skills target me to be the 'Console Man'.
In order to support the different application the team build and deliver to production, I developed 2 consoles (one for each product) and others are starting.
The already built consoles are used for assurance. The production team use them to analize the data produces by the application, and reclaim it if necessary.
I used the new Svelte framework, one Client Side Rendering (CSR) with SvelteJS, and the other Server Side Rendering (SSR) with SvelteKit.

Smart Catalog
Poste Italiane has a very wide range of products, and the Smart Catalog is the system that allow the internal Teams to manage this products and publish the catalog in production.
The products are a tree based object, so the main goal of the console is to display this structure in a friendly view.
SvelteKit is the framework used with Tailwind and Flowbite.

March 2022 - Present

Data Developer & Engineer

Enel Group

Enel X IoT Devices Platform
Development of a microservices in the Enel X platform for IoT devices.
The application is built in Python, using FastAPI. It adopts MongoDB as database, and Beanie was used as ODM.
The server expose both REST and gRPC APIs. The REST API are used by the IoT devices in order to comunicate with the platform, the gRPC are used by other microservices for internal communication.
A Kafka broker is used for asynchronous tasks.

Design and development of an ML Framework for ML Application development on AWS
The Framework speedup the star-up of new ML applications and its development.
It adopt the MLOps approach using the Atlassian suite for the Repository Manager (BitBucket) and CI/CD Tool (Bamboo), and AWS Resources for ML pipelines (StepFunctions, Lambda and Sagemaker).
It includes also a Catalog that collect all the Framework deliverables. It is a serverless application. Use scheduled Lambdas to collect data and store them on AWS ElasticSearch service, that an AWS API Gateway + Lambda call to retrieve stored data and return them to the final client.

Development of a Common Data Catalog
The catalog is build with Angular 9 + Material Design, served by a Wildfly server, that also expose APIs to interact with other BE.

Helping Data Scientist team build ML Models, taking care the application development
Design and development of scalable API services based on a micro-services architecture.
FastApi, as Python Framework, is mostly used to build the APIs. The application is deployed on a Kubernetes Cluster via a CI/CD pipeline following the GitFlow.
Build tools for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) jobs on diagnostic data sets.
Build CI/CD pipelines for building/testing/deployment of custom Python libraries with auto doc generation, using the Atlassian suite.

April 2020 - March 2022

Software Engineer

Accenture Technology Solutions

Design, development and maintenance of a NodeJS application
A Web Server build following the REST pattern, using Express.js as Framework.
The team followed the Agile method and the Design First Developement Pattern.
Each application funtionality is tested using Chai and Mocha as a Framework.

Design and development of a NodeJS Framework to build microservices
The Framework, with a plugin approach, make developers easy build modular microservices using NodeJS and Express.
Each plugin is an npm package and represent a REST APIs, so that, plugin can shared and a team can focus on a single API for optimal developments separation.
TypeScript was chosen because it matched better with the IoC (Inversion of Control) pattern chosen for development.

Design and development of Cloud-Native solutions focused on AWS
Build CI/CD pipeline to deploy serverless application to AWS with Jenkins and SAM (Serverless Application Model).
Development of a serverless GDPR management using AWS Cloudformation, Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB.
Development of serverless architecture for CloudWatch log streaming to AWS ElasticSearch Service for applications monitoring using Kibana Dashboard.

PoC on ROS with Turtlebot
Studying the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework to build a firmware to work with a turtlebot3, in order to use them in possible Customer scenarios (Supply Chain, ...)
Using AWS RoboMaker service to simulate the application in a managed environment, and for the distribution of firmware on fleets.
At the end of the PoC the turtlebot3, with the firmware installed on, was able to turn in a room, using a Lidar to map it, and with a camera, rekognize what it saw (using AWS Rekognition).

April 2017 - April 2020


Università Magna Græcia of Catanzaro

Bachelor's Degree in Computer and Biomedical Engineering
Thesis title: Definizione e sviluppo di una piattaforma per la comparazione di reti biologiche
2012 - 2016

Istituto Omnicomprensivo of Filadelfia

Scientific High School
2008 - 2012


Programming Languages & Frameworks
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • DevOps & MLOps
  • GitFlow


I love IT, so I spend some of my free time to learn about new technologies and experiments.

I also love automation and use my knowledge to help my everyday life tasks.
I built a NodeJS Server to interact with my LG TV so that I can use my Google Home to do TV actions (that because my TV doesn't support this feature natively).

I'm focused on Smart Home and Home Automation
I built my Home Automation system using HomeAssistant
To contrubute, I developed a custom integration that was not yet available.

I'm also interested to Open Source, and in my small way I'm trying to contribute.
On my personal GitHub I released an utility library for FastApi Framework and a related boilerplate.

Awards & Certifications